Author: Betty Giuca, IS 125 Queens


 Lesson Preview: This lesson will review the attitude of the artist, Rembrandt, concerning beggars and the homeless. It will also refer to the children’s author, Sid Fleischmann, who wrote about society’s unfortunates.

Standards: The Arts

Responding to and analyzing works of literature and art

Understanding the cultural dimensions of the arts and humanities

Grades: Intermediate through High School Levels

 Subjects: Art History, Social Studies, Current Events




1. Display Beggars Receiving Alms, Beggar with a Crippled Hand Leaning on a Stick, and Old Beggar Woman with a Gourd . Follow this

By reviewing the novel The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischmann, eliciting the themes of poverty, homelessness, nobility, and poverty of spirit

2. Discuss the following idea: Rembrandt and Sid Fleischman share artistic themes.



 Beggars Receiving Alms


Extensions Discuss the attitudes both of the artist, Rembrandt, and the author Sid Fleischman, toward the poor as revealed in their works. Write a short paragraph discussing if and how your attitude toward the homeless has changed as a result of these studying this particular artist and author

With a more sympathetic attitude as a result of studying the work of these two artists, how can we as students, help society. For information as to how we, as students of today, can help society’s poor and homeless, go to the website:

Assessments Give an oral presentation about what you have learned about what you and your fellow students can do to help your community.

Lesson Plan Index