Author: Lillian C. Licitra, PS 49 Queens
Lesson Preview In this lesson, students will observe the portrait Woman with a Pink by Rembrandt. They will determine how the artist uses symbols to portray his character. Independently, students will write poems using symbols.
Standards New York State Learning Standards for the Arts
Responding to and analyzing works of art
New York City Language Arts Performance Standards
- E1c, E3a, E3b, E3c, E4a, E4b, E5a, E5b
See Performance Standards - English Language Arts http://www.nycenet.edu/dis/standards/ELA/index.html
Grades Upper Elementary and Intermediate School Levels
Subjects Language Arts
Materials Picture of a pink carnation, reproduction of Woman With a Pink
- 1. Begin a discussion about symbols and symbolism. Use
- the idea of a countrys flag to introduce the concept.
- After the concept of a symbol is understood, do the
- following brainstorming exercise:
- Show the class a pink carnation. It can be real or a picture.
- Ask the students to identify the object. Their responses may
- focus on the following:
- flower pink carnation
- Ask the class what these three terms may symbolize individually.
- Elicit answers and record.
Woman with a Pink
- 2. Draw the students attention back to the painting.
- Ask them what they may know about the woman because of
- the symbol she is holding. Ask: What does Rembrandt want
- us to know about this woman that he cannot capture in the
- painting? What symbols does he use to tell us about the woman?
- What do they symbolize?
- 3. Have them compare the apparent wealth of the woman with her
- facial expression. Ask: What is highlighted in the portrait because
- of the light source. Point out that Rembrandt paints the womans
- face and carnation in the light perhaps to show both inner and
- outer beauty.
- Extensions Display Rembrandts painting Landscape with an Obelisk
- and van Goghs Bedroom at Arles. Ask. Focusing strictly on
- the colors used by the artist, how does Rembrandts portrait make
- you feel? Why? How does van Goghs portrait make you feel?
- Why? Elicit and record responses.
Bedroom at Arles
- Assessments Read The Circle by Nancy Wood. Explain Nancy Wood
- uses many objects as symbols. Have the students make a list
- of five objects from the poem and tell what they symbolize.
- Have students choose a color or object and write a symbolic
- poem sing specific, previously learned writing strategies.
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